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The European Programme Committee: developing an educational programme for volunteer managers

Updated: Dec 7, 2023

The European Programme Committee is one of the elements of the EVI-DEMS project, which aims to gather different experts on education and volunteer management, from the Higher Education sector and Civil Society sector, as well as members of the project consortium, to discuss and analyse the project’s outputs and bring added value and expertise to the Committee and, in turn, to the EVI-DEMS project itself.

It has been possible, through the work of this Committee, to define the intended learning outcomes of the results created, as well as to make sure they establish a link between the programme and the labour market for volunteer managers. Furthermore, due to the diversity of its members, the Committee has also played a critical role in ensuring the sustainability of the project outputs and the further implementation of the EVI-DEMS programme in different higher education institutions across Europe, as well as the possibility of volunteer-involving organisations to better argue for the professional recognition of volunteer managers.

The EVI-DEMS Committee met twice during the project. The first meeting took place on October 12th, 2023. During this meeting, the members of the committee had the opportunity to analyse and provide feedback on the educational modules that have been created by the project consortium as one of the results of the project. The second meeting, on the other hand, took place on November 22nd, 2023, and focused on the course’s assessment plans, as well as the module’s applicability and transferability throughout different Higher Education institutions in Europe and abroad.

The EVI-DEMS project team extends a warm thank you to all the members of the European Programme Committee for their work and dedication to this topic and for their meaningful insights and criticisms on the project results that we have reached.

Committee members:

  • Lucas Meijs, Rotterdam School of Management

  • Ivo Geers, Rotterdam School of Management

  • Gabriella Civico, Centre for European Volunteering

  • Remigijus Civinskas, Vytautas Magnus University

  • Eilina Dailidiene, Vytautas Magnus University

  • Antonia Matkovic Puljek, Croatian Volunteer Development Centre

  • Adam van Bergeijk, Vereniging NOV

  • Cees van den Bos, Vereniging NOV

  • Julia Peric, Economic faculty in Osijek

  • Juan Ángel Poyatos, Volies - Voluntariado y Estrategia

  • Willem-Jan de Gast, Nomade Training en advies

  • Auguste Taruskaite, Out of the Box Europe

  • Filipa Cabral, Out of the Box Europe

  • Marko Paunovic, Out of the Box Europe

  • Stuart Fox, University of Exeter

  • Tomaz Dezelan, University of Ljubljana



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